35 Subjects
Click here to learn how to identify, name and reproduce sounds made by different animals.
Click here to learn how to identify, produce and distinguish the sounds of the different letters of the alphabet correctly.
Click here to learn how to blend and segment one-syllable words, recognise beginning and ending sounds and identify rhyming words.
Click here to learn how to identify letter sounds in songs and rhymes, recognize rhyming words and build rhyming word families.
Click here to learn how to say and recognize the different sounds of the alphabet, describe and arrange the letters of the alphabet.
Click here to learn how to build words by blending the sounds of letters of the alphabets.
Click here to learn how to read familiar words and text and compare words and sounds correctly
Click here to learn how to use letter sounds to form two and three letter words and break large words into smaller words.
Click here to read a short story and also learn how to break words into sounds, small words and identify the word parts.
Click here to read an interesting story on “Eva’s First Day of School“ and also answer some questions from the story.
Click here to learn how to recognise common words, pronounce the common words correctly and also identify new words.
Click here to learn about the hare, identify the main points in the passage, answer passage related questions correctly and retell parts of the story.
Click here to learn how to describe information from a passage, answer comprehension questions correctly, make predictions and justify them based on the text.
Click here to learn how to recognise main characters based on illustrations, explain simple instructions, make predictions and justify predictions based on the story.
Click here to learn some basic word categories and how to sort pictures and words that are related into different categories.
Click here to learn how to recognise and explain common abbreviations, use them correctly in sentences and also learn about word endings.
Click here to learn about words that are similar in meaning, opposite in meaning and words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings.
Click here to learn the meaning of new words(vocabulary) in content-specific text and grammatical constructions related to numeracy, science and health.
Click here to learn how to identify upper cases, lower cases as well as parts of a book like front cover, title, and pages.
Click here to learn about the letters of the alphabet A-Z by identifying them in printed words and sentences.